We solve your marketing problems so you can focus on your business.

We become an extension of your team and act as your virtual marketing department, designing and implementing cost-effective strategies that will help grow your business. All for less than the cost of one employee.

We solve your marketing problems so you can focus on your business.

We become an extension of your team and act as your virtual marketing department, designing and implementing cost-effective strategies that will help grow your business. All for less than the cost of one employee.

Better Results

We take a strategy before tactics approach to ensure you are getting the maximum ROI on your marketing spend.

Save Time

We handle your marketing so you can work on your business, not in it.

Save Money

You get an entire team of experienced marketing professionals for significantly less money than doing it in-house.

Our Process

We have diverse experience, market knowledge and fresh thinking across many industry sectors. Our strategy before tactics approach helps ensure we put measurable results first for all of our clients. As a virtual marketing department we offer more than most in-house teams:

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360-degree review of all aspects of your current marketing services.

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Findings and recommendations are made.

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Based on feedback and budget a strategy is developed.

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The strategy is implemented using members of your virtual marketing team.

Icon of a growth chart.

The strategy is measured, monitored, and adjusted.

Our Full Suite of Services

services summary.

Our Full Suite of Services

Services summary.

Your Team Leaders

Headshot of Derek Duval.

Co-Founder: Derek Duval

Derek is currently Managing Partner at Duval Ventures. He has extensive experience across multiple domains, displaying expertise within Supply Chain, Customer Service, Project Management, Human Resources, and Commercial Real Estate.

In addition to his corporate leadership, Derek serves on the Board of Directors at the Hawkesbury General Hospital, contributing his expertise to enhance healthcare services and community well-being. Moreover, as the President of the Vankleek Hill Business and Merchants Association, Derek plays a pivotal role in fostering local business development and promoting economic growth in the region.

He holds a B.A. in Business Law and a Certificate in Leadership and Management. Furthermore, his designation as a Certified International Trade Professional reflects his commitment to excellence in global business practices.

Email: derek@duvalventures.com

Co-Founder: Pat Whalen

Pat is known as one of Canada’s preeminent marketers and is the founder of Extension Marketing.

Pat has been a senior-level marketing and sales executive for more than 25 years. Previously, he was EVP and CMO for OSEG, where he laid the groundwork for the successful return of professional football to Ottawa. As President and CEO of the Ottawa 67’s Hockey Club, Pat took the organization from last in attendance in Canadian junior hockey to first. He has served as a board member for a number of organizations throughout his career.

Email: pat@extensionmarketing.com

Headshot of Pat Whalen.

Co-Founder: Pat Whalen

Pat is known as one of Canada’s preeminent marketers. He personally oversees the strategy and implementation of every Extension Marketing account.

Pat has been a senior-level marketing and sales executive for more than 25 years. Previously, he was EVP and CMO for OSEG, where he laid the groundwork for the successful return of professional football to Ottawa. As President and CEO of the Ottawa 67’s Hockey Club, Pat took the organization from last in attendance in Canadian junior hockey to first. He has served as a board member for a number of organizations throughout his career.

Email: pat@extensionmarketing.com

Headshot of Pat Whalen.

Let’s Solve Your Marketing Problems, Together